So the Cupcakes Take the Cake meetup in Chicago has been confirmed:
Sunday, September 13, 11:30 am – 1 pm
Join Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake at Molly’s Cupcakes. Eat cupcakes with other cupcake fans. At 1 we will head over to the Renegade Craft Fair (Division St. between Damen Ave. and Paulina St in Wicker Park if you want to meet us there) to check out Jessie Oleson of Cakespy’s cupcake art. 1 free cupcake courtesy of Cupcakes Take the Cake to each attendee. (The only places I've ever met Jessie are at renegade craft fairs!)
Molly’s Cupcakes, 2536 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL, 773-883-7220
Limited to 15 people.
RSVP to cupcakestakethecake at with “Chicago Meetup” in subject line and your name/names of guests.
photos via the Molly's Cupcakes website.

image via Cakespy on Flickr
Sunday, September 13, 11:30 am – 1 pm
Join Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake at Molly’s Cupcakes. Eat cupcakes with other cupcake fans. At 1 we will head over to the Renegade Craft Fair (Division St. between Damen Ave. and Paulina St in Wicker Park if you want to meet us there) to check out Jessie Oleson of Cakespy’s cupcake art. 1 free cupcake courtesy of Cupcakes Take the Cake to each attendee. (The only places I've ever met Jessie are at renegade craft fairs!)
Molly’s Cupcakes, 2536 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL, 773-883-7220
Limited to 15 people.
RSVP to cupcakestakethecake at with “Chicago Meetup” in subject line and your name/names of guests.
photos via the Molly's Cupcakes website.

image via Cakespy on Flickr