All of these photos are from the Twitter account (@justcupcakesva) posted by Virginia Beach, Virginia bakery Just Cupcakes. Again, with so many bakeries and other restaurants/businesses on Twitter, I think piquing readers' curiosity and putting out your best and most fun news/photos/sales/etc. is becoming increasingly important. More and more, I'm hearing about and getting requests from people to order cupcakes as gifts for delivery, so bakeries should remember that the Internet is a great way to find new customers and the examples above and below of Twitpics are a wonderful way to do so. And giving props to other bakeries (see blog excerpt below) is also good karma. Another thing Twitter is good for is networking - we meet other bloggers on there all the time, and I love to see bakeries giving shoutouts to other bakeries.
I think the clowns are my favorite - look at the little sprinkle and cupcake heads! Adorable. Wish I were closer and could buy some for my little cousin who turns 4 in November, he'd love them. And the Hello Kitty cupcakes are on black and white and also coconut cupcakes. Plus they just launched salted chocolate caramel and chocolate hazelnut. Yes, the Tweeting is working - I want to go to Virginia Beach! My mom now lives in Annapolis, Maryland - no idea if that's nearby but when I go to visit maybe I can make a detour to Virginia Beach. Also, via Twitter: "Just Cupcakes is the official cupcake for the Miss Virginia/USA pageant."
From their blog:
this week we we’re introducing salted chocolate caramel. now before you say, “what!?!?!” come in and try a sample because it’s better than good, it’s outstanding. we use our dark valrhona cupcake, cut out a mid portion and fill with soft caramel, top it with our rich chocolate ganache and then ever so lightly sprinkle fleur de sel. while i can’t take credit for the flavor, several cupcake shops out west have similar offerings, it’s truly delicious. come on in and try for yourself, cupcakes are really the perfect finger food.

Another new flavor: caramel apple!

Just Cupcakes
616 Hilltop West
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451