This matcha and chocolate cupcake was made for Iron Cupcake London (next one October 5th, theme booze) is from the vegan cooking site To Happy Vegans, via Flickr. They write:
After attempting the IronCupcake Earth challenge last month, I finally felt ready to enter a competition where the cupcakes are actually judged on taste too. With the Iron Cupcake London theme of ‘Cupcakes of the World’ I decided my key ingredient would be matcha. I used the basic vanilla cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Takeover the World and added a couple of teaspoons of matcha mixed with boiling water to the final batter.
Then I made up some frosting, added some more matcha to a small portion of it, cut out the tops of the cakes and filled in the hole with it. With the rest of the frosting I added some cocoa powder and then pipped some of this on top of the matcha frosting, put the ‘lid’ back on and decorated with another dollop of frosting and a dairy free chocolate chip.
See To Happy Vegans for more cupcake photos and if you're in London, definitely check out the next Iron Cupcake. If you want to start your own Iron Cupcake, see Iron Cupcake Milwaukee and for information on next month's online baking competition, Iron Cupcake Earth, visit the official site.