Video interview with Teresa Ging, owner, Sugar Bliss Cake Boutique

My first stop on my whirlwind cupcake mini tour of Chicago (I say mini because I know I missed many places) was at Sugar Bliss Cake Boutique in The Loop. I've been getting their newsletter for a while and almost always post photos because their design is so cute. I was impressed because aside from Molly's, this was the only bakery I visited that had mini cupcakes as a regular part of their menu, and they do all their day's flavors in mini versions.

Sugar Bliss Cake Boutique, Chicago

I had tried to post from the taxi on the way but accidentally sent it just to Flickr, so my brief takeaway is that I really liked their banana cupcake, with vanilla frosting. I also liked the chocolate peppermint a lot. The chocolate cake was very moist. I'm not much of a cream cheese frosting person but I did really like her coconut cupcake with cream cheese frosting because the two balanced each other out. I didn't get to try all of them because I later got so sugar overdosed I couldn't taste them all but I liked the presentation; I saw some photos, and will get some to post, of cupcake towers they've done with minis and was impressed.

This was my first, but not last, example of Chicago cupcake sticker shock. Almost everywhere I went cupcakes were $3 or more. At Sugar Bliss, minis were $1.50. I tend to think New York is pricey but overall Chicago cupcakes were pricier than New York ones. However, there was in many ways greater variety.

I was pleased to see that they do frosting shots; next time I would totally get a shot of the vanilla frosting. See below for my interview with Teresa Ging about her flower cupcake design and upcoming flavors. You can also follow them on Twitter @SugarBlissCakes for the latest flavors.

Sugar Bliss Cake Boutique mini cupcakes
