Cupcake photo spotlight on Cupcaketini

Today's Flickr cupcake photo spotlight is on Cupcaketini of West Palm Beach, Florida, using photos from their Flickr account - love the name! You can also follow them on Twitter (@Cupcaketini) for the latest news.

fortune cookie cupcake

Cranberry White Chocolate Cupcakes
cranberry white chocolate cupcakes

red velvet filled cupcake (see below for a red velvet cupcaketini!)

marble heart cupcake

wicker cupcake

Record n' roll cupcakes

Cupcakes with the Cupcaketini logo (and dragees)

And the signature cupcake...the cupcaketini!

striped chocolate chip cookie cupcaketini

red velvet cupcaketini, which I think looks super classy


Miss Journey said…
OMG! that cupcaketini is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Jen S said…
Love them all! While I think my fave is the fortune cookie cupcake! Might just have to make these for Chinese New Year...which also falls on Valentines Day this year!