Name: Becky Striepe
Age: 30
Location: Atlanta, GA
Occupation: Indie crafter and freelance blogger
How did you get involved making cupcake aprons?
As crazy as it sounds, I had a dream that I was wearing an apron with a cupcake for the pocket and woke up with a start, hunting for my ideas book. It took a few tries to get them how I wanted them, but the Cupcaprons that I make now are pretty much exactly what I pictured in my dream!
Do you make other cupcake-related objects?
Not at the moment. I used to put cupcake appliques on my Lunch Kits and make cupcake pins, but lately the Cupcaprons have been satisfying my cupcake obsession in terms of crafting.
What made you choose cupcakes as your icon?
Who doesn't love a cupcake, right? They're so cute and tiny. I also think that folks are more adventurous with cupcake flavor combinations than with full-on cakes. It leaves so much room for experimenting with color, from a craft perspective.
How did you get involved in the "green" movement?
When I was a little kid, my folks got me "50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth." After reading it, I made them aerate all of the faucets in our house and tried hard to get them to compost, though that one didn't work out. Staying conscious about how my choices affect the planet has really been important to me since then. It's almost automatic when it comes to some things.
Do you sell your cupcake aprons to bakeries?
I do! The Atlanta Cupcake Factory now stocks Cupcaprons in their shop.
Who traditionally buys your aprons?
A lot of the folks I talk to are buying them as gifts. Folks who collect aprons tend to dig them, too.
How often do you eat cupcakes?
As often as I can! I'm vegan, so store-bought cupcakes aren't always an option, but I try to bake cupcakes at home whenever I've got some time. It's fun to surprise company with a tray of interesting cupcakes. There's also a local baker, The Dulce Vegan, who sells at a lot of the craft shows in town. Any time she's at a show, I try to scope out her cupcakes.
What's the best thing about eating cupcakes?
I'll admit it: I love the frosting! I like to eat them bottom up, so there's a maximum cake to frosting ratio at the end.
What's your favorite type of cupcake?
I like anything unusual: Mexican hot chocolate, green tea, etc. Subbing some rum for the milk in frosting is always a winner with me, too.
How do cupcakes compare/contrast to other baked goods for you?
They're pretty much at the top of the list. The Dulce Vegan makes these chocolate lavender scones that might give some cupcakes a run for their money, but really nothing compares.
Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you?
I think that's the thing I like most about cupcakes: folks get so innovative already! I'd rather see a baker take a risk, flavor-wise, that maybe doesn't work out, than go with something run of the mill like plain vanilla or chocolate.
What's your first cupcake-related memory?
When I was a kid, they'd sometimes pick up Publix cupcakes for special occasions at school. Those things were a little scary, in retrospect. Dense vanilla or chocolate cake and frosting in colors you'd never find in nature! Basically, they're the opposite of everything I love about a good cupcake.
What's the most fun you've ever had with a cupcake?
Oh, man, that's a tough one! I made a batch once that were golden vanilla with rum frosting, and I felt like they were a little boring, so I broke a dark chocolate bar into squares and put them on top. The fun part was seeing every one of my friends that evening have at least two, if not three! Cupcake success!

Do you have anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you so much for your interest in my aprons...this was fun!

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