Eiffel Tower cupcakes

Eiffel Tower Cupcakes

Custom Eiffel Tower cupcakes by Philadelphia-based custom cupcake company Whipped Bakeshop (via Flickr) for a Paris-themed birthday party at the Please Touch Museum.

Some closeups:

Eiffel Tower Cupcake

Eiffel Tower Cupcake

And while these cupcakes below were not part of the Eiffel Tower cupcake order, I couldn't resist including them when I saw them in the Whipped Bakeshop Flickr stream...I'm sure you can tell why!

Chocolate fudge cake iced with pink-hued Italian meringue bttercream, drizzled with bittersweet ganache and sprinkled with non pareils.

Whipped Bakeshop and Whipped Bakeshop Etsy store
zoe at whippedbakeshop.com


Jen S said…
Great cupcakes! Why is everything 'Paris' so fantastic!? :)