Because there haven't been enough cupcake lawsuits lately...

How exciting (note my sarcasm) - yet another cupcake lawsuit!

From Austin Legal:

Austin’s Hey Cupcake, an early comer to the burgeoning local trailer-food market, filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday that accuses a trailer cupcake business in Indiana of copying the visual appearance of its retail trailers.

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, said that The Cupcake Camper in Noblesville, Ind., operates out of an Airstream Trailer with a large, three-dimensional cupcake on the roof, similar to one copyrighted by Hey Cupcake owner Wes Hurt.

“The level, extent and details of copying employed by the Cupcake Camper are facially apparent,” the lawsuit states. In addition to to being accused of copying the exterior appearance of the trailer, the suit accuses The Cupcake Camper of beginning to sell t-shirts that say “Real Men Eat Cupcakes” after Hey Cupcake began selling shirts that say “Real Men Love Cupcakes.”


Jennifer said…
For the love of cupcakes, can't we all just get along????? It's not like they're even remotely close to each other!!
Deborah Stewart said…
Haha - how odd this is. I live in Noblesville, IN and I have to say I have never even heard of the Cupcake Camper - can't be doing too much damage to warrant a law suit!
Unknown said…
Nothing like a bit of competition to get the "dander" up. Most small business could spend more time marketing their businesses rather than pursuing law suits. Competition is what keeps this country going and innovating.
peachfish said…
Well, I guess they have to protect their image, since it's all they have (their cupcakes are pretty blah).