Mint chocolate cupcakes from The Repressed Pastry Chef

I was looking for mint chocolate chips to go with another post I'm working on and found this post and cupcake recipe by The Repressed Pastry Chef, who writes:

To make these Mint Chocolate Cupcakes you can either put the mint extract in the batter itself... or put the mint extract in the icing. Maybe go all out and put it in both! But if you go that route, try to use a light hand with the amount of mint because too much can be overpowering for some folks.

Pair it with my favorite buttercream frosting that I posted about here and you've got yourself one tasty cupcake. I added a small amount of mint extract to the icing... and a very small amount of Wilton Gel Icing Color in Kelly Green to dress it up a little. I also dusted some with cocoa powder and dotted a few chocolate sprinkles on others. When I gave one of each to a couple in my neighborhood, they playfully teased each other with "well, which one do you want... sure they both have chocolate stuff on top but one has dust and one has chunks... make a choice" hahahaha :)

The recipe, as written, is enough to make a full cake. I halved it and it still made a whole lot of cupcakes... in excess of 2 - 3 dozen petite mini, mini and regular sizes. When trying out a new recipe for the first time I tend to cut it in half or even one- third to see how it works out. I figure if it's great I can always make more... but if it's pretty bad, I haven't wasted a lot of ingredients and gotten stuck with a whole lot of something that just doesn't taste very good! LOL! When I made this recipe, I was only disappointed in the fact I didn't make more... it was THAT good. Try it out for yourself... and tell me if you don't agree :)


Anonymous said…
I am a huge fan of chocolate and mint! This is very similar to my recipe - that people go absolutely crazy for! If you are up for something new and fresh... This is the cupcake for you! YUM!

Krista Cox
Tanja said…
The mint green and the chocolate brown look so good together! They seem very refreshing. I'll be making cupcakes like these in the near future, that's for sure :D