Over 600,000 cupcakes sold at Main Street Cupcakes

That figure caught my eye as I pictured 600,000 cupcakes!

From WKYC:

Baker and co-owner Sean Nock said, "We know that anybody can make a vanilla or chocolate cupcake. But can you make a chocolate cupcake with a caramel cream filling with a chocolate ganache on top with some sliced almonds?"

Nock added, "We already have 190 flavors to choose from and I lay awake at night thinking of new ones!"

Since Main Street Cupcakes opened their doors three years ago, they have already sold more than 600,000 cupcakes. Many customers admit that the size and variety are perfect for a family.

Marisa Mayer was walking out of the store with a box full of treats and said, "I have 3 small kids and you try to buy a big cake and bring it home for dessert and then wind up wasting too much of it."

Added Mayer, "This way, everyone can get their own flavor and everyone is happy. Mom is happy and the kids are happy."

The not-so-humble cupcake may be the perfect win-win product during tough economic times. People are still willing to spend money on the small luxuries that make them feel good inside.

The Main Street Cupcakes are also marketed on the Home Shopping Network and available at the expresso bars at the Nordstrom stores in Beachwood, Columbus, Cincinnati, Detroit and Pittsburgh.
