Purple cupcakes for charity in Karachi, Pakistan

Cupcake by Cookie in Karachi, Pakistan, wrote to us to let us know they are also participating in this week's charity cupcake event, The Great Purple Cupcake Project for epilepsy awareness.

I found this information online:

Cupcake(s) by Cookie is a home based cupcakery... To place an order, email at cupcakesbycookie at gmail.com or you can sms/call at 0301-8251574 ( 10.00 a.m to 8:30 p.m.) together with these info: 1. date of occasion 2. quantity 3. cupcake & frosting flavor 4. theme

Purple cupcakes for The Purple Cupcake Project; they're available through March 27th. "Rs. 150 per cupcake, Rs. 100 from each sale proceed will be donated on your behalf for Epilepsy Awareness."

And some other cupcake photos from Cupcake by Cookie's Facebook page:

Bart Simpson cupcakes

congratulations graduation cupcakes

Cupcake bouquets! I think these are gorgeous. You can see more here:


Meliha said…
Wow these look great!

Rasheeda Rauf said…
can i place order in karachi
Cupcake(s) by Cookie said…
hey Rasheeda!
you can email your order/queries to cupcakesbycookie@gmail.com- i am taking some time off though till August...
Cupcake(s) by Cookie said…