Suzanne Ball puzzles over the cupcake craze

I like this post by Suzanne Ball at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, linking to us, recapping MSN's top 10 cupcakes, and pondering just why it is cupcakes are so popular (a question we get asked all the time):

Like nearly all Boomer females, I own several cupcake tins, in both the six and twelve size. Mine are 40 years old. After seeing the Cupcake Carrier at Costco--clear pastel acrylic, choice of colors, designed to hold 36 cupcakes, in a box with a handle, only $16.99--I knew this cupcake renaissance had gone mainstream. I sat down to figure out approximately how many cupcakes I have baked through the years.

Trying to remember all the times I baked cupcakes, my formula goes like this:

Number of children x (2 school holiday parties per year, K-6) x 25 students per classroom party + (50 cupcakes x 2 bake sales a year per child, to cover the PTA obligation) + 100 cupcakes/year/child, just for team sports fundraisers and games, pot lucks, holidays, neighborhood parties and general consumption = ________.

Actually, I can't figure it out at all. Every time I try, I come up with thousands and thousands of cupcakes. Mind boggling, but I'm sure it's true. During my children's elementary school years, I was my own cupcake factory. With a close second in Rice Krispie Squares.

Steadfast readers, at even $1 for each cupcake, we could have been millionaires.

If only we'd known!!

Nichelle and I were each recently in Seattle and I did a whirlwind cupcake tour and can tell you Seattle is a huge cupcake city! So many that my head was spinning (and, to be honest, stomach heaving), by the very end. I still owe you some recaps of those visits, but for those in Seattle, make sure you don't miss April 10th's CupcakeCamp Seattle.
