Win A Copy Of The Icing On The Cupcake

Last Sunday at the Cupcake Social in Austin,  I met author Jennifer Ross. She is a former Wall Street Journal and Dallas Morning News reporter who has written a sweet novel about a young woman fulfilling her dreams, one delicious cupcake at a time. Each chapter has a cupcake recipe, so you may want to bake while you read the book.  We are giving away two copies of The Icing on The Cupcake by Jennifer Ross. Submit your entry here by March 28th, and the winner will be selected on March 29th . You can follow Jennifer on Twitter (CupcakeAuthor) as well as meet her at Cupcake Camp NYC on April 9.


Cheryl Brazerol said…
thanks for the chance to win!
dawname said…
This book sounds wonderful! Two of my favorite things in the whole world cupcakes and reading. Ahhh heaven. Hope I win!!!
JavaCupcake said…
Love it! hope i win!
Carol said…
I would love that book! Thanks for the chance to win.
Kristi said…
Awesome! Would LOVE to win a copy =o)
Me and My Pink Mixer said…
I am a huge reader & I love cupcakes ~ please pick me :) Thanks for the giveaway!