Anti-Yelp cupcake for sale at The Bleeding Heart Bakery as they file lawsuit

Update: The photo is no longer publicly available. Bleeding Heart Bakery will not be commenting publicly about this.

Originally uploaded by The Bleeding Heart BakerySorry, I can't make this photo bigger (if I can later, I'll resize it), but thought this latest news about Yelp and Chicago's The Bleeding Heart Bakery was quite interesting. (Speaking of Chicago, we will be heading there in the fall, so stay tuned for event news.)

Inc. reports lawsuits against Yelp:

In addition to Levitt's lawsuit, nine small businesses Tuesday joined a class action lawsuit originally filed last month by Cats and Dogs Animal Hospital in Long Beach, California. Among other things, the suit claims Yelp's sales reps tried to get the vets to pay $300 a month for advertising – for a minimum of 12 months – to hide any negative reviews. The companies that joined the suit: Chicago's Bleeding Heart Bakery, Scion Restaurant of Washington, D.C.; J.L. Ferri Entertainment of New York City; and six California companies: Sofa Outlet, Celibré; Astro Appliance Service, Wag My Tail; Le Petite Retreat, and Mermaids Cruise. (A third lawsuit filed early this month from the D'ames Day Spa of San Diego also accused Yelp of deleting positive reviews when the spa declined to buy advertising.)

The suit is literally the frosting on the cupcakes for Bleeding Heart Bakery. The self-described "punk rock pastry" outlet is celebrating the lawsuit with a $2.75 cupcake that features "Yelp" in red icing in the familiar red no-go sign.

Time Out Chicago also reports on The Bleeding Heart Bakery's Yelp reviews, with 67 of them filtered. (I'm a Yelp user, but I do think it'd be hilarious if someone posted this anti-Yelp photo as a photo on Yelp. Just because.)

In other Bleeding Heart news, they are hiring a manager and assistant manager for their Oak Park bakery. See for more information and as soon as we get it we will be sharing photos and a recipe from the forthcoming cookbook by owners Michelle and Vinny Garcia, Who You Callin' Cupcake? And April 30th the Johnny Cupcakes Suitcase Tour visits The Bleeding Heart Bakery. Follow @Bleeding_Heart on Twitter for the latest news.


Unknown said…
I too am boycotting Yelp. I had only two reveiws and both were very positive and both were removed by Yelp.
Kendon Smith said…
Yelp sucks! This is an old blog post, but I love it! I hope Yelp goes down in flames someday! Where do I join the anti-yelp campaign!