Dedicated to WoM

This post is dedicated to my friends in Seattle, Eric and Diana, who never give up on the Mariners, even though they rarely, if ever, win.

Day 104/365

Photographer Roxanne Cooke writes:

"Our first Mariners game of the season was great: good seats, good company, lots of yummy food, not too crowded. I heard about Safeco's new cupcake offerings via, so this gigantic chocolate cupcake was my first purchase. I barely touched it at the game, though, because it apparently doesn't go well with pad Thai and garlic fries. I finished it off the next day with gusto, though!"


Danielle said…
Ohh!!!! The Mariners are actually doing alright so far! :)

But now I want to go to a game even more...they have cupcakes!