Cupcake drum set by Chaske Spencer and other celebrity cupcake art for charity

I love this new charity idea Hostess has come up with, and the best part is that you can submit and win! From Cooking Gal at The Orlando Sentinel:

A drum set made of cupcakes. A cupcake moon shining its squiggles on the Las Vegas desert. A cupcake enveloped in a valentine made of lentils. All of the above are among the original artworks created by celebrities including Rosie O’Donnell, Padma Lashkmi (Top Chef), Chelsea Handler, Chaske Spencer (Twilight), Jordin Sparks (American Idol) and Kelly Rutherford (Gossip Girl), among others, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the iconic squiggle on Hostess CupCakes and benefit Free Arts NYC, an organization dedicated to providing educational and arts programs to under-served children.

Hostess is hoping these celebrity squiggles inspire cupcake lovers across America to submit their own original artwork featuring the famous squiggle in a way that reflects their own personal heritage, experience and personality. Five winning “portraits” from among public submissions will be chosen to be painted on Hostess delivery trucks across the country. Winners will also receive a $1,000 cash prize.

And from the official press release:

Now through June 15, 2010, consumers can submit artwork via or via mail to:

Hostess Portraits of the American CupCake Art Program
c/o Linden Alschuler & Kaplan Public Relations
1251 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 940
New York, New York 10020

(via Twilight Lexicon)

All cupcake art below via Hostess (click to see more), and you can get more information directly from the Hostess site.

Gossip Girl cupcake by Kelly Rutherford

Cupcake drum set by Chaske Spencer

Chewy cupcake art by Chelsea Handler

Cupcake bunny by Bridget Marquardt

cupcake heart by Padma Lakshmi

Follow @Hostess_Snacks on Twitter for more cupcake news from Hostess.
