Epilepsy awareness and the Great Purple Cupcake Project

Cupcakes Take the Cake has been supportive of the Great Purple Cupcake Project and Purple Day, because it's a wonderful awareness campaign and education platform, and you get to eat cupcakes and feel good about it -- no calories if the cupcakes are for charity, that's a fact.

I had lunch yesterday with the force behind the Anita Kaufmann Foundation, Debra Josephs, who is a fairly amazing woman and doing a tremendous job teaching people about seizure disorders and brain injuries and what seizures can look like. I consider myself fairly savvy but I had no idea that seizures can present with blank stares or daydreaming-type disconnection and that spasms and convulsions are not always present.

Anyway, Debra is gearing up for the second annual Great Purple Cupcake Project (March 20-26, 2011) and she'll be traveling 'round the world between then and now helping educate and inspire. If you are a bakery/cupcakery or are interested in participating and you are in Chicago, IL, or Madison or Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Debra will be near you next week. And she'll be overseas in London, Paris and Amsterdam in August.

Please feel free to contact her at debra (at) akfus.org.
