Cupcake Baker of the Week: Bobby Stoskopf (Cupcake Camp Atlanta)

Bobby Cupcake Baker of the Week

It's a pink, frilly, female cupcake world out there....or is it?*

When two enthusiastic employees recommended a male boss who lives and breathes cupcakes so much he has a cupcake tattoo, I knew it was time to feature our first male Cupcake Baker of the Week. Meet Bobby Stoskopf, pictured above, who is starting up Cupcake Camp Atlanta. His aforementioned cupcake tattoo is below, after you read on about ideas for a Sweet Basil & Olive Oil cupcake and advocacy for gluten-free and vegan cupcakes.

*Not to be taken seriously. Cupcakes can be, and are, happily consumed by all ages and genders.

Name: Bobby Stoskopf

Location: Atlanta, GA

1. How did you get into cupcake baking?
Guess it started with working at a cookie shop and getting an interest in baking. Something random I always enjoyed, but never really did anything with it. In later years, I had a vegan roommate who also enjoyed cooking/baking. For her birthday, I decided to whip up some vegan cupcakes for her and everyone went nuts for them. Since then, I try to make some whenever I can and always enjoy making the vegan and/or gluten-free ones as an additional challenge and to prove to people that just because they’re vegan/gluten-free doesn’t mean they’ll taste like cardboard.

2. Do you have a signature cupcake?
As of now, I’ve been sticking with trying new things as often as possible. So there really hasn’t been a signature one to come about yet. Hoping to get one or two before the launch of Cupcake Camp Atlanta that I’m working on getting organized.

3. What kind of cupcake do you plan to bake next?
I had recently discovered a Sweet Basil & Olive Oil cupcake recipe, so I think I’m going to give that a shot to see how those flavors work in a cupcake and seeing if that can inspire me to come up with other unusual flavor combos.

4. Where do you find inspiration?
A lot of inspiration comes from the people around me. If there’s any kind of celebration in order, I’m always up to make the time to make some cupcakes for it. It’s a great way to bring people together and bond with one another (and brag about how awesome I am. heh.)

5. Describe a memorable (funny/disastrous/life-changing) cupcake baking moment you've had.
Hmm... I’d say a “life-changing” cupcake baking moment was the previously mentioned vegan cupcakes I made for an old roommate. Having always baked standard cupcakes, I thought this would be a great challenge. As much as I gave her a hard time about vegan food not being good and the real stuff being better, everyone (including myself) were shocked on how good these actually were. This is what also sparked the chance/challenge to do those gluten-free ones in later years.

6. Give one piece of cupcake advice for other bakers out there.
Don’t get scared to try new things. Experiment with things that may seem outside the box, you might discover a great new flavor combo.

Check out Bobby's cupcake tattoo!
Bobby's cupcake tattoo

Thanks, Bobby! Stay tuned for next week's Cupcake Baker of the Week. Leave us questions, feedback, and suggestions in the comments below, or e-mail Melissa at with "Hey Melissa! Meet this cupcake baker!" in the subject line to recommend someone you think should be on Cupcakes Take the Cake.


Zachary D Smith said…
Not only is Bobby an amazing baker and all-around rad dude, he's one of Atlanta's most eligible bachelors.