Freshly Inked.

Love the colors!

Designed by Kevin of @RMGco and inked by Jeff of Phat Katz Tattoo.

Sent in by cutie-pie reader and cupcake-lover Joanna of Color Me Cupcake blog.


Robot Monster Ghost said…
Jo is always fun to work with. We'll be designing an anchor tattoo for her next, I believe.
jennmck said…
Cupcake tats! Oh, man, in a random crazy moment, I told the Hub when my book
hit the NYT bestseller's list, I'd get a cupcake tattoo. Um, I hit at 31 last week so
now he's asking the where am I going to get it and what will it look like questions.
Um...have I mentioned my fear of needles??? Ack!
I must say, however, these are inspiring...