These incredible, amazing, utterly beautiful cupcakes are by Greek blogger Cupcake Galore, where you can find out how to make them, via her Flickr account. She writes:
It was the first time I made both choux pastries and chocolate pastry cream, so what better challenge to set for my father-in-law's birthday cupcakes than to additionally take part in Sweetest Kitchen's Mystery Box Cupcake Challenge #9 (read the official rules for the challenge here )? This month's challenge is to bake birthday cupcakes not using a particular ingredient, but creating a visually spectacular cupcake.

Flickr description:
Vanilla cupcake base filled with chocolate cream pastry topped with mini choux pastries also filled with chocolate cream pastries. The tower is clued together with a caramel glaze with a bit of caramel sugar spun around the tower. Decorated with handmade pink marzipan roses and violet marizpan flowers with silver balls.

It was the first time I made both choux pastries and chocolate pastry cream, so what better challenge to set for my father-in-law's birthday cupcakes than to additionally take part in Sweetest Kitchen's Mystery Box Cupcake Challenge #9 (read the official rules for the challenge here )? This month's challenge is to bake birthday cupcakes not using a particular ingredient, but creating a visually spectacular cupcake.

Flickr description:
Vanilla cupcake base filled with chocolate cream pastry topped with mini choux pastries also filled with chocolate cream pastries. The tower is clued together with a caramel glaze with a bit of caramel sugar spun around the tower. Decorated with handmade pink marzipan roses and violet marizpan flowers with silver balls.
