Jimmies Cupcake Co. Review - Philadelphia, PA

Jimmies Cupcake Co. is a cupcake food truck that operates in the Philadelphia area, mostly in the suburbs but occasional at some events in the city.

The truck offers a lot of flavors, all based around the name "Jim", such as the "James Monroe" or the "Jim Henson".

I'm not sure exactly what the name of this cupcake is, but it's a vanilla cake with butterscotch frosting and I believe a caramel glaze. A friend brought it home for me. He also brought home an oreo cupcake.

The vanilla cake was great, I really enjoyed it and would have it again. It was a bit dense but not hard or unpleasant. The butterscotch frosting, unfortunately, was a bit waxy. It reminded me of those nestle butterscotch chips which are great when you first taste them but you get that weird feeling in your mouth and the odd aftertaste.

I split the oreo cupcake and enjoyed it, it had an oreo buttercream that was REALLY sweet, which wasn't much of a problem for me but my friend said it hurt his teeth.

I do recommend Jimmies Cupcake Co. if you see them around anywhere. It's especially great that they are bringing mobile food to the suburbs. Follow them on Twitter for updated on their location.
