Portland, Maine cupcake report: turtle, mint chocolate, coconut, peanut butter chocolate and Elvis bacon cupcakes by Y-Lime's Gourmet
I was in Portland, Maine a week and a half ago and loved it! It was my first trip to Maine but definitely not my last, and I got to see lots of great art, eat amazing food and explore. Coffee is big there too, and at one of the outposts of local coffeeshop Coffee by Design I met up with Emily Roper of Y-Lime's Gourmet ("Y-Lime's" is "Emily" backwards, without the hyphen!), who gave me a box filled with amazingly delicious cupcakes, some very, very large and some "mini" (her mini cupcakes are actually pretty big).
You can also find their cupcakes at Stonyfield Cafe, PeRx-U-Up Cafe and The Gorham Grind in Gorham. She is adding a third size, a more average/regular size, to her offerings soon. She does custom cupcakes, including events, and doesn't need much notice (she prefers a week, but can do 24 hours) and sells them at the local branches of Coffee by Design. And she sells ice cream! Find out more at their Facebook page and contact Emily about orders at ylimesgourmet or gmail.com or 207-899-5367.

the box

turtle cupcakes - normally I might find something like this too sweet, but this was amazing. Sweet, yes (Emily makes her own caramel!) but the nuts helped, and it was sweet in a good way. Interesting textures and simply delicious.

mint chocolate cupcakes - basically tastes exactly like an Andes Mint in frosting form. Made my mouth very happy.

coconut frosting on chocolate cake - the simplest of the cupcakes I tried, a strong but not too strong coconut flavor. Delicious.

chocolate peanut butter cupcake topped with a Reese's peanut butter cup - this is a flavor combination I can never get enough of and the peanut butter frosting basically tasted like peanut butter (salty and thick) in frosting form. Sometimes peanut butter frosting either tastes (or is) literally peanut butter--which I adore, but I think "frosting" should be something more--or is so sweet you lose the peanut buttery-ness. Not so here. This was amazing and worked perfectly with the chocolate and the cake.

bacon! Actually these are Elvis cupcakes (bacon/peanut butter/banana), but I feel like when there's bacon on a cupcake all anyone, including me, sees is the bacon. Case in point: ran into a friend of my friend's at Coffee by Design who immediately was intrigued by the bacon. And it was maple bacon and it was beyond awesome.
My only "complaint," if you can call it that, is that the big cupcakes were gigantic, way too big for me personally, but my friend's husband happily ate more than one of them himself, but I would recommend the mini size because these flavors go a long way.
You can also find their cupcakes at Stonyfield Cafe, PeRx-U-Up Cafe and The Gorham Grind in Gorham. She is adding a third size, a more average/regular size, to her offerings soon. She does custom cupcakes, including events, and doesn't need much notice (she prefers a week, but can do 24 hours) and sells them at the local branches of Coffee by Design. And she sells ice cream! Find out more at their Facebook page and contact Emily about orders at ylimesgourmet or gmail.com or 207-899-5367.

the box

turtle cupcakes - normally I might find something like this too sweet, but this was amazing. Sweet, yes (Emily makes her own caramel!) but the nuts helped, and it was sweet in a good way. Interesting textures and simply delicious.

mint chocolate cupcakes - basically tastes exactly like an Andes Mint in frosting form. Made my mouth very happy.

coconut frosting on chocolate cake - the simplest of the cupcakes I tried, a strong but not too strong coconut flavor. Delicious.

chocolate peanut butter cupcake topped with a Reese's peanut butter cup - this is a flavor combination I can never get enough of and the peanut butter frosting basically tasted like peanut butter (salty and thick) in frosting form. Sometimes peanut butter frosting either tastes (or is) literally peanut butter--which I adore, but I think "frosting" should be something more--or is so sweet you lose the peanut buttery-ness. Not so here. This was amazing and worked perfectly with the chocolate and the cake.

bacon! Actually these are Elvis cupcakes (bacon/peanut butter/banana), but I feel like when there's bacon on a cupcake all anyone, including me, sees is the bacon. Case in point: ran into a friend of my friend's at Coffee by Design who immediately was intrigued by the bacon. And it was maple bacon and it was beyond awesome.
My only "complaint," if you can call it that, is that the big cupcakes were gigantic, way too big for me personally, but my friend's husband happily ate more than one of them himself, but I would recommend the mini size because these flavors go a long way.