Shannonmarie at Rawdorable has more raw vegan cupcakes to share with us! This first one is her sprinklemint cupcake, using goji berries, mint, cashews and coconut.
For the above cupcakes, Shannonmarie warns:
Speaking of the recipe, I highly advise gently melting down the raw cocoa butter (at a very low heat; I usually just stir grated raw cocoa butter in a warm ramekin until melted, much like in our warm chocolate post) prior to adding it to the blender with the other frosting ingredients. Since I was in a rush, I skipped that step, putting the grated cocoa butter directly into the blender and resulting in a grittier end product.

gingercakes cupcakes - click for recipe

holiday cupcake makeover, click here for more

For the above cupcakes, Shannonmarie warns:
Speaking of the recipe, I highly advise gently melting down the raw cocoa butter (at a very low heat; I usually just stir grated raw cocoa butter in a warm ramekin until melted, much like in our warm chocolate post) prior to adding it to the blender with the other frosting ingredients. Since I was in a rush, I skipped that step, putting the grated cocoa butter directly into the blender and resulting in a grittier end product.

gingercakes cupcakes - click for recipe

holiday cupcake makeover, click here for more