Johnny Cupcakes popup shop and free cupcakes in Honolulu, Hawaii, plus Nickelodeon collaboration, Make Cupakes Not War sticker, panda eating cupcake on a belt and more

Cupcake t-shirt maker and entrepreneur Johnny Cupcakes is hosting a popup shop and a free talk on January 21st in Honolulu, Hawaii - I'll be there a week later so will miss this (stay tuned for news about a cupcake meetup I want to host), but definitely encourage you to go. I've heard him speak at NYU and it's an interesting perspective if you're interested in small businesses. Below are a few of the many items Johnny Cupcakes sells in their online shop and retail stores in Boston, Hull, Beverly Hills and London, including their recent collaboration with Nickelodeon. The famous Make Cupcakes Not War slogan is now on a sticker (and a notebook, which you can see in the online store), and there's even Johnny Cupcakes belts and playing cards!
