2 Broke Girls co-star Kat Dennings talks cupcakes

From an interview with Kat Dennings, co-star of cupcake-themed TV comedy 2 Broke Girls at glamour.com:
Glamour: First things first--how do those cupcakes on the show really taste?

Kat Dennings:
They're actually really good! They have an amazing girl named Amber who bakes the cupcakes, and periodically I will frost them in real time. Anytime you see me piping a cupcake, I'm doing it. Amber taught me! But they are amazing! From time to time, when my blood-sugar feels low, I’ll just take a swipe of icing.

Glamour: Do you have a favorite cupcake place in L.A.?

Sprinkles! Magnolia [Bakery] is super delicious, but it’s heavier. Sprinkles is light, and I can eat 25 cupcakes and be OK.

image via glamour.com
