I got the last chicken and waffle cupcake at CupcakeCamp DC

The mini fork, the real and delicious chicken, the Belgian waffle and the maple buttercream were all amazing! No wonder they went so fast. Congratulations, baker Joel Gill on an extremely wonderful and original cupcake.


For anyone curious, Joel has a facebook page for his company he is trying to start up: https://www.facebook.com/JosiesConfections :)
That fried chicken was so, so good.
CupcakeCamp DC said…
Hi Rachel! Thanks for coming down to DC! Would you consider putting your pics in our group flickr pool? http://www.flickr.com/groups/2099093@N23/

Anonymous said…
Since when are Chicken and Waffles original? It's like last year's bacon...Also helps you to win when you're still allowed to be judged after showing up 2 hours late...just saying.
I've never seen Chicken & Waffle cupcakes at ANY shop...let alone served up with a mini fork. I'd say that's pretty creative and original. Very easy to hide behind "anonymous". What's the matter? Did his cupcakes beat out yours?
YummyCakes said…
I think chicken & waffles are very original for a cupcake. I've never seen or had one & since when is bacon like chicken? Who cares what time he showed up if the judges didn't. That salt must be pretty sour in your mouth "anonymous". JUST SAYIN
Happy2BNaptural said…
I would like to send a mighty CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KING WHO SHARES THE THRONE WITH THE QUEEN! Joel, you had that battle in the bag because GOD GRANTED YOU THE WIN! And no matter if you were 2 hours late or 2 minutes late, you were crowned the winner. Oh, & btw, Chicken & Waffles, Cinnamon French toast with maple bacon or whatever, you can't beat a member of the IB team babee!! & IJS in that order. The Queen has spoken.
Happy2BNaptural said…
I would like to send a mighty CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KING WHO SHARES THE THRONE WITH THE QUEEN! Joel, you had that battle in the bag because GOD GRANTED YOU THE WIN! And no matter if you were 2 hours late or 2 minutes late, you were crowned the winner. Oh, & btw, Chicken & Waffles, Cinnamon French toast with maple bacon or whatever, you can't beat a member of the IB team babee!! & IJS in that order. The Queen has spoken.
I think it's up to the judges whether they accept a late entry or not, not the fellow competitors. They are in charge of the competition, not you. If they accepted his entry, then whatever their decision was is supposed to be respected by everyone there. It shows poor character to make a comment like that in a public forum. Also, how did you get away with posting as "Anonymous" when they supposedly don't approve anonymous comments here? Grow up, and up your game while you're at it, because you'll need it next year. I hear the Cupcake King has a few more original tricks up his sleeve!
Knusie's kakes said…
Joel's cupcakes are the best especially his Chicken and Waffle cupcakes! He is the cupcake king!! And if the judges didnt think he was too late then it only goes to show he's got God on his side. Kudos Joel!! Keep up the good work!!!
Trina said…
It seems that Anonymous is a HATER with a capital H!!! I wouldn't care if they showed up 4 hrs late...if It was delicious than they should win... were you in the contest Anonymous? did you lose?? Apparently so, from the comment you made. hahahaha...by Hater!!
Stephanie @ Sweet Pea's Delights said…
Wow Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous... It sounds to me that someone is a bit jealous that they did not win the competition. I thought we learned not to be sore losers when we were in grade school. I think Chicken and Waffles as a cupcake is very original and quite difficult to acheive the correct flavor balance. I think Joel did an outstanding job and I am very proud of him. I wish I lived in the area so I could try the cupcake...maybe he could share the recipe :=)

Best wishes
Stephanie P.
Unknown said…
Joel won first place because he deserved it,and yes he even beat me and I'm not ashamed to say:) His cupcake was very eye catching and I'm sure it tasted just as GREAT as it looked! I only wish I could have tasted it the were gone as quick as he came in. Something I had to learn is to just look the other way when people post negative things, they do it out of jealous hun. CONGRATS, you deserved it and it was nice to finally meet you two :)
Jovan Walker said…
Chicken and waffle cupcakes are the bomb! Joel<>><><> Cupcake king make the best of them. As for you Mr or Ms. Anonymous hater, get wid the update if you don't know what it is let me remind u. Joel the King won....Judges decision not yours....suck it up and accept it! I think u wanted one of those cupcakes....sorry man!
ttidoran said…
Must've been a kick ass cupcake to arrive late and STILL win. Funny how people have so much to say ANONYMOUSLY....sounds to me like someone is a little bitter...Haters usually are. Congrats Joel!
[_____] said…
Ouch, haters gonna hate. Instead of trying to bring someone down, work on yourself and your work...just saying. ;)
Samantha T - Sweets by Sam said…
It's sad to hate on someone for a win. Maybe focus should be on yourself and what to improve on next year...just saying. ;)
CONGRATULATIONS JOEL! You're an inspiration!