Happy Chinese (Lunar) New Year! Here are some cupcakes to celebrate.

Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and gold sprinkles and "Congrats and Prosperity" logo by Sugar Bliss Cake Boutique in Chicago

Year of the Snake sweet vanilla cupcakes by Kara's Cupcakes in the San Francisco Bay Area

by in Silay City, Philippines

Year of the Snake Chinese New Year cupcake by via Flickr

Chinese New Year cupcakes by Particular Cakes in Victoria, Australia

Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and gold sprinkles and "Congrats and Prosperity" logo by Sugar Bliss Cake Boutique in Chicago

Year of the Snake sweet vanilla cupcakes by Kara's Cupcakes in the San Francisco Bay Area

by in Silay City, Philippines

Year of the Snake Chinese New Year cupcake by via Flickr

Chinese New Year cupcakes by Particular Cakes in Victoria, Australia