Royal baby cupcakes filld with pink or blue frosting at Sprinkles will be sold until the day Kate Middleton gives birth
Remember all the royal wedding cupcakes we posted in 2011, including the infamous Wir Machen Cupcakes Princess Beatrice hat cupcake? Well, now it's time for royal baby cupcakes! Now through when Kate Middleton gives birth, Sprinkles Cupcakes is selling gender reveal cupcakes, where you bite in and get pink or blue frosting. From the blow Chow Bella:
Find out the latest on Sprinkles at and their target="new"Facebook page.
Is anyone else making royal baby cupcakes? If so email us at cupcakestakethecake at with "Royal baby" in the subject line and photos/details.
Every Monday through Saturday in July from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. guests can pick up their choice of gender reveal cupcakes.
The cupcakes are either chocolate or vanilla and each treat is topped with a tiara or a baby bottle.

Find out the latest on Sprinkles at and their target="new"Facebook page.
Is anyone else making royal baby cupcakes? If so email us at cupcakestakethecake at with "Royal baby" in the subject line and photos/details.