Bangerang Bake Shop in Money magazine

There's an advertisement for John Hancock Financial Services featuring Nicole Mahler of Bangerang Bake Shop (formerly Fat Daddy Bake Shop; see our interview and review) in the June issue of Money magazine. You can read it by going to and clicking on "Money Magazine." We'll be featuring more information about the business of running a bakery here soon. Here's a snippet:

To protect her personal assets, she incorporated and insured the business. She also wanted to safeguard her ideas, so she turned to James Hultquist, a partner in the Chicago office of the law firm Reed Smith. He protects intellectual property for both corporate and small-business clients.

James Hultquist: "When startup companies have new or very unique ideas, protecting their intellectual property should be high on the list. A lot of times, entrepreneurs don't do that early on, and it costs them money later if someone tries to copy their ideas."

Hultquist's first step was to find ways to protect one of Mahler's ideas: shipping the cupcakes in Mason jars.

Nicole Mahler: "I wanted to mail them without spending an arm and a leg on shipping. I saw some Mason jars and the idea just clicked. No one else is doing it."

Hultquist also suggested that she conduct a trademark search to protect the brand identity of her company.

Hultquist: "You don't want to get too far down the road in using your name in commerce and find that another company that does business in your space has a similar one." Thanks to Etsy's high traffic, Mahler's bakeshop grew faster than she had ever imagined. She found herself in the kitchen 13 to 16 hours a day to keep her store stocked with her 32 flavors. Mahler is now planning a freestanding website to use as her main marketing venue until her revenue grows. She has also gotten some free publicity from blogs for cupcake lovers.

Fat Daddy Bake Shop cupcakes in a jar


Anonymous said…
I'm a bit put off by Nicole trying to "protect" her idea of baking cupcakes in jars. Seems contrary to the spirit of Etsy sellers to decide that no one else can ever bake cupcakes in Mason jars.
Anonymous said…
I've seen this done before - it's certainly not original. I have no problems with someone trade marking their logo, name, unique marketing materials, etc. But to try to patent this idea is a bad thing. Ideas are free and people should be able to run with them. When someone tries to corner their market by making competition illegal, they're taking the easy way out.
Anonymous said…
Baking in mason jars is nothing new. Cakes and muffins are also baked in mason jars of various sizes. I wonder if Nicole is aware that offers cupcakes layered in jars as well! Cute concept!
Anonymous said…
I am surprised she is trying to copyright an's like saying "I thought of the idea of putting ice cream in an edible cone and I'm the only one who can" or "I thought of putting meat between 2 slces of bread and no else is allowed to do it".

I agree with eve123 that Bangerang can copyright her recipes and logo and names but not the idea of putting cupcakes in a jar and screwing a lid on.
Anonymous said…
Nothing can stop someone else from capitolizing on a 'cupcake in a jar' concept. Refraining from copying the product name, packaging and recipe would clearly be wise and expected. However, this situation is no different than peanut butters, jams, salad dressings, etc...

Just as we are free to choose what we buy, we are free to create that choice!

Let the competition begin!
Anonymous said…
I find this strange too.
You can copyright a design on a cupcake but not something like this.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I agree that trying to copyright baking cupcakes in a jar is not right. My grandma used to bake cakes in jars and also cupcakes; she would layer them in the jars with butter cream. She would bake cupcakes in cupcake pans, slice them and layer in jars with butter cream. She would send these to us for the holidays. I also do the same thing, and send them to family members. There are also recipes for cakes baked in jars in one of Paula Deen's magazines, so it is not a new concept. These canning jars are specifically made for baking and preserving foods; they are made to withstand high temperatures. How does the company producing the jars fill about someone trying to copyright their "idea" using jars that they have been producing for years for the purpose of canning, baking and preserving food? I honestly don't think she'll be able to copyright this idea.
Anonymous said…
I have ordered Nichole's cupcakes, and they are okay. I'm a pastry chef, and have been baking cakes and desserts for years. The cake portion of the cupcake is quite dry, and crumbly, and the butter cream is overly greasy and way to sweet; it doesn't have that perfect fluffy butter cream balance. However, for mail order items they are tasty. Many people love her cupcakes, so they either like the whole cupcake in a jar concept or they really don't know what a superb cupcake tastes like. Trying to get a copyright on this idea, could prove to be a challenge for her, because these jars have been used for this purpose for years. It is not a new concept. But kudos to Nichole for trying to corner this market; all I can say is good luck, because you're going to need it.
Anonymous said…
Just finishing one of Nicole's strawberry cupcakes. I have to agree with the person who said the cake is too dry; it's actually kind of hard to eat without something to drink immediately at hand and, to be frank, I have had much better cupcakes. Time to alter the recipe somewhat, Nicole!