Today's guest blogger is the Martha Stewart-endorsed cupcake pop sensation Bakerella, who we post about frequently, sharing a timely bit of cupcake cheer and a fun contest! Thanks, Bakerella!
Hey everyone. I'm super excited to be guest blogging today on Cupcakes Take the Cake (CTTC).
Over a year ago I was a lurker (sent over by a google search for cupcakes) and totally amazed by all the creative cupcake artists featured on this blog. When I first visited this site, I couldn't believe how many photos of cupcakes there were. Where did they come from? Who made them? Who had time to talk about cupcakes? Who had time to take pictures of cupcakes? Were all these people crazy? Or, was I the crazy one for coming back every day to see the next cutest cupcake? It didn't matter. I wanted in.
So, in October of 2007 I decorated my first set of cupcakes for Halloween. I figured out how to submit them to CTTC through flickr and ta-dahhh… they were actually chosen. I was so excited, I couldn't believe it. They liked my cupcakes! The next thing I knew, I was starting my own blog to document my baking and decorating attempts. And I haven't stopped since. Now, people think I'm the crazy one for taking so many pictures of cupcakes. Ha!
But, now I get it. It's not even about the cupcakes. It's about making something that puts a smile on someone's face and brightens their day. And that's what I've been trying to do ever since. I'm not the best cake decorator or the best baker. I don't review cupcakes. I don't have a bakery. But, what I do have is fun. And, as long as that continues, so will I.
So, thank you Cupcakes Take the Cake for the fascination and the inspiration.
Now, who wants to see some Christmas Cupcakes?

First up, the inspiration. I know you're thinking these Coke bottles are super cute. But wait until you see what I decided to do with them. (By the way, I found these at Wal-Mart. Run and get some before the holidays are over and they're all gone.)

Yep! I cut the tops right off. Now, let's see one in action!

Just turn one of the cupcakes upside down, frost the bottom and carefully rest the bottle opening over the cupcake. Voila… snow globe! I also misted sugar water on the inside of the globe and then sprinkled it with a little regular sugar to make it feel more snowy. Here's a close-up…

Dang, these are cute. But, I don't think they would be half as cute without these awesome red baking cups from the Confectionery House. Thanks to Bake & Destroy for turning me on to these back in May. She raves about them and now I know why. I just love the intense, opaque color. But guess what? You can win some of your very own.

I'm giving away a set of these brite-color assortment baking cups and a set of brown baking cups to one lucky winner right here on Cupcakes Take the Cake.
Happy Holidays everyone,
Hey everyone. I'm super excited to be guest blogging today on Cupcakes Take the Cake (CTTC).
Over a year ago I was a lurker (sent over by a google search for cupcakes) and totally amazed by all the creative cupcake artists featured on this blog. When I first visited this site, I couldn't believe how many photos of cupcakes there were. Where did they come from? Who made them? Who had time to talk about cupcakes? Who had time to take pictures of cupcakes? Were all these people crazy? Or, was I the crazy one for coming back every day to see the next cutest cupcake? It didn't matter. I wanted in.
So, in October of 2007 I decorated my first set of cupcakes for Halloween. I figured out how to submit them to CTTC through flickr and ta-dahhh… they were actually chosen. I was so excited, I couldn't believe it. They liked my cupcakes! The next thing I knew, I was starting my own blog to document my baking and decorating attempts. And I haven't stopped since. Now, people think I'm the crazy one for taking so many pictures of cupcakes. Ha!
But, now I get it. It's not even about the cupcakes. It's about making something that puts a smile on someone's face and brightens their day. And that's what I've been trying to do ever since. I'm not the best cake decorator or the best baker. I don't review cupcakes. I don't have a bakery. But, what I do have is fun. And, as long as that continues, so will I.
So, thank you Cupcakes Take the Cake for the fascination and the inspiration.
Now, who wants to see some Christmas Cupcakes?
First up, the inspiration. I know you're thinking these Coke bottles are super cute. But wait until you see what I decided to do with them. (By the way, I found these at Wal-Mart. Run and get some before the holidays are over and they're all gone.)
Yep! I cut the tops right off. Now, let's see one in action!
Just turn one of the cupcakes upside down, frost the bottom and carefully rest the bottle opening over the cupcake. Voila… snow globe! I also misted sugar water on the inside of the globe and then sprinkled it with a little regular sugar to make it feel more snowy. Here's a close-up…
Dang, these are cute. But, I don't think they would be half as cute without these awesome red baking cups from the Confectionery House. Thanks to Bake & Destroy for turning me on to these back in May. She raves about them and now I know why. I just love the intense, opaque color. But guess what? You can win some of your very own.
I'm giving away a set of these brite-color assortment baking cups and a set of brown baking cups to one lucky winner right here on Cupcakes Take the Cake.
- Just leave a comment below with some warm holiday wishes for the generous women that run Cupcakes Take the Cake and you'll be entered. (Easy, huh!)
- Leave your comment with a link to your blog or email so I can contact you if you win.
- The deadline to enter is Tuesday at midnight EST (tomorrow night.
- The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Wednesday morning.
Happy Holidays everyone,
Headed to Walmart...
Merry Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, "Cupcakes Take the Cake," I love reading your blog as well as Bakerella's- I check for updates ALL the time (hence I'm one of the first posts!). Have a warm and safe holiday!
Thanks for the tip and the chance to win. My blog is
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
your newest subscriber.
LOVEIN all the work you girls do on this site!
I am a complete cupcake lover! and I'm addicted to your blog!
I love how many fab posts you have a day! Keep up the good work. And a prize to boot :)
I am making choc cherry cupcakes this week will try and take a picture and post it on my blog!
Your a cupcake inspiration to use all! :)
I have just gotten started on decorating cupcakes myself, my oldest is in kindergaten and she wants the best cupcakes for her bday in March for school. I am collecting ideas and both this blog and bakerlla have them.
Thank you!
Thanks Bakerella for your great blog and Ladies from Cupcakes take the cake....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Much Love and WARM (HOT) Christmas wishes from SOuth Africa.
I LOVE this site. I really appreciate all the effort that you go through to share all your fun finds with us. It was through your site that I was able to find a great cupcake shop in my area! Thank you!
Hope you all have a happy holiday!
Merry Christmas!
The first!! YAY! maybe that means I'll win :)
pxilated at
and bakerella i get so excited when you update your blog! i cannot wait to see what new, creative thing you have come up with! thank you also for your amazing work!
Merry Christmas!
Creative cupcake ideas like this one are so inspiring!
Están geniales! gracias por este espacio para nosotras las amantes de los Cupcakes. Felices Fiestas! Mis mejores deseos de paz, amor y prosperidad en este 2009.
Thanks for being my go-to blog on all things yummy (cupcakes)
katherine (
Happy, Happy Holidays to everyone!!! :)
Thanks Bakerella for leading me. You Rock cupcake girl.
I love the baking cups. The colors are so vivid.
Cookie Girl
Happy Holidays to the dedicated CTTC bloggers, your blog always brings a smile to my face, so thank you!
merry christmas CTTC ladies! thanks for putting together a great blog about cupcakes and for featuring some of my cupcakes!
With love from Tulsa, Jacque
Well anyway, warmest holiday wishes to all you cupcake ladies and a very happy new year!
I've been following your blog every day for a couple months now and I'm addicted :)
It's so great to have a blog with EVERYTHING cupcakes.
Thanks for indulging me every day!
Merry Christmas!
{and a happy new year, too!}
aupekkle at gmail dot com
Best Holday wishes to all of you!!
mertgirl at hotmail dot com
I love the blog & just joined the flickr pool.
also made cupcakes this weekend and never realized how tricky (& messy) sprinkles can be!
thank you for all the cupcake-y goodness throughout the year! you make my rss feed a better place!
Happy holidays, y'all!
gone to go and look for cocacola.
And if you didn't want to do a polar bear, I'm sure a snowman would also work really well!
Best wishes....Elizabeth (marinite415 @ gmail dot com)
{ Lindsey }
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
My email is seanik at
I just wanted to thank you ladies for giving me my daily dose of cupcakes! I know it is not easy to keep up such a fabulous blog... but you 3 do it, and I appreciate it!
:) Vettie
I check this blog everyday! I can't wait to see all the cupcake creations in store for 2009!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Merry Christmas to you all! I hope it's a special one for each of you!
Merry Christmas,
Happy Holiday ladies!!
Those cupcakes are the CUTEST!! I love that you are reusing the bottles! I'm gonna try that when we get back from our Christmas trip. LOVE IT! Thanks for the inspiration!!
Merry Christmas!!
Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday, Ladies!
I LOVE the snowglobe cupcakes! Too cute and so creative!
bill or
Merry Christmas to you all!
Hope I win these fun bold colored baking cups!!
Love the polar bears, too. So cute!!
Thanks for always sweetening my day :)
superprofundo at gmail (.) com
Melissa in Florida
(where the weather is NOT Christmas-like - bummer!!)
I'd love to win!
dellerbk at gmail dot com
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Merry Christmas:-)
Love your blog!
Love this site.
Love Bakerella's site.
I looooove cupcakes.
adiluria [at] yahoo [dot] com