Little Debbie celebrates chocolate cupcakes in a big way

Little Debbie is doing some really fun things online and in person to celebrate their famous chocolate cupcakes. We'll post more details about their in-person events and will be covering their New York one when it happens. From their press release:


This nationwide Share-a-Thon tour kicks off on October 11 and goes through December 12.


The Little Debbie Cupcake Cars will make stops in 21 cities, including: Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Manchester, N.H., Hartford, Scranton, Pa., Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix and Los Angeles.

Fun stuff:

· Each Little Debbie Cupcake Car is equipped with a device that communicates with Google Maps, so anyone with an Internet connection can track the cars’ locations in real time!

· We’re giving away a million Little Debbie Cupcakes!

· Win a smart® cupcake car—like the one pictured above—GPS devices, a year’s supply of free cupcakes, collector’s edition cupcake cars and more!

Food for thought:

· It took three years to get the flavor and texture just right for the Little Debbie Chocolate Cupcakes recipe.

· In the development process, there were 119 variations of the finished product.

· The test-kitchen bakers made nearly 300 formulas of the cake portion, plus 85 for the creme, 118 for the icing, and 10 for the squiggle stripe before they were satisfied.

· Hundreds of consumers tasted the cupcakes to make sure you would be satisfied with them.

They also have some fun videos on YouTube, including:

You can also follow them on Twitter (@LittleDebbie) and Facebook. Good luck!

And keep in mind that October 18th is National Chocolate Cupcake Day!


Justin said…
i want one of those little debbie cars