
Ghostly Cupcakes

Cupcakes Take the National Post

Scenes from a Vegan Cupcake party!

pretty little star

Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World Party

Rachel's Amy Sedaris interview

Green Tea (Matcha) Cupcakes

Halloween Cupcakes from Let Them Eat Cake

Pretty, pretty

Hello Kitty cupcake!

CTTC Recap of Jennifer Appel's Talk at Makor

Bake Like a Buttercup tonight!

Halloween cupcake - graveyard

pink and brown

blackberry cupcakes

Smarties Chocolate Cupcakes

a cupcakewich!

more Halloween cupcake fun

pretty pastel hearts

bright blue frosting

Sinking in the Black Ooze

mint frosting, chocolate cake, cupcake royale

Chocolate mud with chocolate ganache cupcakes

Project Runway Season 3 Finale cakes

butterflies & roses

Super-Duper Cupcakes at Gothamist

keroppi cupcakes

Delia's cupcake t-shirt

chocolatey chocolate cupcakes

Over The Rainbow

Over The Rainbow

Nutella filled cupcakes with Nutella frosting

Nutella filled cupcakes with Nutella frosting

Love Hearts

cupcake halloween

cupcake halloween

multicolored birthday cupcakes

a dozen cupcakes

Amy Sedaris's famous cupcake recipe

A sweet little flower

the sweet side of cancer research

scharffenberger cupcakes

Cupcakes by Sonja photoset on Flickr


kid + cupcake by sonja

more cupcakes by sonja

cupcakes by sonja

cupcakes by sonja carrot + chocolate cupcakes

cupcakes by sonja berries and cream cupcake

Orange & Violet Flowers

Ginger & Lemon Creamed Cheese Cupcake with Dark Chocolate Ganache and Crystalised Ginger

Smiley face cupcakes

Free NYC cupcake decorating event

Cupcake Tower from Ivy Bakery

cupcakes with a reading list

blue and white