Cupcakes in love by Cakespy

Speaking of romance...

As I'm sure you know by now, we adore Cakespy, and her art sets Cuppie in all sorts of fun situations. Including this one:

See also: Our Q&A with Jessie Oleson of Cakespy

Our video interview with Jessie Oleson of Cakespy

Cakespy's Etsy store


Lyns said…
I adore Jessie and all her inspiring attributes, she is awesome. Adorable pic. im waiting for the pregnany cuppie lol
Holly Loves Art said…
Oh what a scrumptious blog! So happy I found YOU! Thank you for sharing all this loveliness!

Los Angeles, CA
Hey I just wanted to let you all know that there is a gal who sells stamps using the Cake Spy images (she was able to strike a deal with Cake Spy for their images). Here is the link to her sight. She also has a wonderful blog as well. I think you will fall in love with her newly released holiday stamps.
Here is the link:

Debbie/Phx AZ
Anonymous said…
Oh so cute!