A Baked Creation's teaser -- contests and lots of prizes!

Sylvia (and maybe Howard) of A Baked Creation will be guest-blogging here on January 1 and will be offering some pretty sweet gifts in a giveaway contest!

(See our interview with Confetti Cakes for Kids author Elisa Strauss here.)

Or these. Love them!

(See inside If You Give a Cat a Cupcake here.)

But you can't lose with these prizes. Stay tuned for A Baked Creation's guest-blog post on January 1, 2009. Wow. It's almost 2009. That's the first time I typed it out and it feels weird. This year dragged on and on in some ways and in others it just flew by!


Sylvia said…
Oh Howard is SO helping me with the New Year's cupcakes...
Kelli said…
WOW, great prizes! I will be back, well I am always here so it wouldnt matter if there were prizes, you have a great blog without prizes. merry christmas
Anonymous said…
LOL your site makes me hungry..

Congrats on the Blog of note
Veronica said…
I'm new to your blog and am looking forward to joining in the fun.
Stacie Joy said…
Tee hee! Thanks, Sylvia (of A Baked Creation)! I'm eager to see what you and Howard get up to on New Year's Day. Yay for guest-bloggers. And what prizes -- soo great!