More Martha-y goodness

Lucky Rachel was given a gift of the Martha Stewart Living magazine before it was available to the general public (although I understand it showed up in mailboxes across the country today).

Rachel and Living magazine

This is the magazine that accompanies the Martha Stewart show CTTC went to this past week. It's beautiful, isn't it?

Martha Stewart Living magazine


Martha Stewart Living magazine


Martha Stewart Living magazine
(With special thanks to Tess' helpful stunt finger.)


Martha Stewart Living magazine

I believe the magazine is on sale now (or shortly). It's the February issue, and retails for $4.99. See Martha's site for more info.

Photos by Stacie Joy, please provide credit.


Veronica said…
Oh this is hard to look at yummies this early in the morning. Thanks for the heads up and a little sneak peak. I will be looking for this mag starting today.
Anonymous said…
Found your blog through Pink Bliss - it's great! Happy to be here now!
Anonymous said…
ahhh, i just got this magazine.
i'm a little bit ashamed to own it, but the cupcakes in it look devine!
Nico said…
will you girls sign my copy so that i can sell it to raise money for my breast cancer walk ?
Anonymous said…
That looks so awesome! I can't wait to go pick one up at the newstand. :)
Peg A said…
I got mine in the mail a few days ago. :) I love the cover! I have not read it yet, I still have the January issue to get through!