McCormick, Hello, Cupcake!, offset spatulas, and Vonage

I believe it was during my cry for help over the 100+ cupcake baking challenge that McCormick got in touch with me. See how cute their gift box is??

McCormick Cupcake Kit

Now, if there were a set of bakers, ovens, racks, frosters and packers in that box life would have been gooood indeed. Alas, there were only goodies, but very nice ones, including a new offset spatula, which I was desperate for!

McCormick Cupcake Kit

And, one of my all-time favorite cupcake cookbooks (like, ever!):

McCormick Cupcake Kit

Embarrassingly, I usually just depend on the last chapter of the book where the cheats are, and where the next-to-instant frostings are. For that, Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, I will be always grateful. And because on their blog, they made me a tall thin statue. Yes!

On an embarrassing and totally unrelated side note, I recently switched to VoIP (Vonage) and it's been hell. So I apologize if I have outstanding phone calls or emails to return to you. It's me, it's not you. Really. Actually, it's VONAGE, not me or you. But I promise as soon as things are back on track, I'll be in contact. Thank you for your patience. That is all.


All photos by Stacie Joy.
