Cupcake bakery reality TV: on the set of Georgetown Cupcake's Cupcake Sisters

Carol joint has an update on TLC reality show Cupcake Sisters currently filming at the Washington, DC/Bethesda bakery Georgetown Cupcake, over at New York Social Diary:

“Cupcake Sisters” intends to be the anti-“Housewives,” choosing the high over the low road, focusing more on the actual challenges of running a colorful and trendy business rather than faking up personal drama. This doesn’t mean there won’t be some sisterly disputes and flying buttercream.

Nonetheless, when I stopped into the Georgetown shop Saturday to snap a few pics, the production team was positively edgy. “This is a closed set. You can’t take pictures. You can’t show the crew. No one can see that we’re here.” Yet, the cameras and lights were everywhere. The producers all but hustled me out the door and, after I departed, one of them followed me up the street, firing questions at my back. That attitude is potentially off-putting to the legions of Georgetown Cupcake fans, especially out-of-towners, who love to pose for photos in the store. Hopefully a way will be found for reality and reality TV to co-exist at Cupcake.

Read her post for more scoop on the show and taping.

photos by Carol Joynt; see more at New York Social Diary


Unknown said…
'throughout the universe'??