
Polymer clay food jewelry "cookbook" to be published in October

Adult Swim birthday cupcakes

Carnival Cupcakes

BBQ cupcakes

Johnny Cupcakes fans share why they're so excited about his brand

Periodic table of cupcakes

"The Cupcake Lover" cupcake cake

Maker Faire Cupcakes on Wheels

Gluten-free cupcakes at Whole Foods

Ahh, lovely!

Mr. and Mrs. wedding cupcake tower

Sushi cupcakes for sale?

Burgers & Cupcakes: Mint chocolate chip, peanut butter and more

No bun salmon, potatoes, green beans at Burgers and Cupcakes

Cupcakes at Burgers and Cupcakes

CakeWalk: Chic cupcakes for any budget – take that recession!

Cupcakes on Katie Lee Joel book cover

Google's Cupcakes, take 1 million

Seattle's Cupcake Royale to expand in late July

Google's Adroid Cupcakes

Cupcake street art