photo by CBS
CBS News Reports that Barack Obama wished Harry Smith happy birthday - with a cupcake! Here's their report:
Before Barack Obama sat down for an interview with Harry Smith Thursday, Obama somehow got wind of the fact that it was the Early Show co-anchor's birthday.
So, when Obama entered the room for the chat, he had a little surprise: Obama was carrying a birthday cupcake, with one lit candle on it -- singing "Happy Birthday"!
As Harry was about to blow out the candle, Obama stopped him and reminded him to make a wish.
And, on the show Friday, Harry told co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez that he hadn't gotten what he'd wished for -- a revelation by Obama of his pick for a running mate!
This is just the latest in Barack Obama Cupcake Mania.
Flickr has an entire photo pool of Obama Cookies and Cupcakes!
Here's some of what you'll find in it:

by Flickr user and blogger Happiness in a Bite, who says "the Obama logo fits perfectly on a cupcake!"
There were also these cupcakes from Obama's visit to Jordan:

Cupcakes made for press traveling with Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., are decorated with American flags and Jordanian flags in Amman, Jordan, Monday, July 21. 2008. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
And Hudson, Ohio bakery Main Street Cupcakes made these salty and sweet chocolate popcorn Obama cupcakes during the primaries (they also made Hillary Clinton and John McCain cupcakes):

Seattle bakery Cupcake Royale had a Cupcake Caucus in February:

by Flickr user PunkJr
And over in Denver, Happy Cakes Bakeshop is offering O Cakes during the Democratic National Convention. From the Happy Cakes newsletter:

O-Cakes by Happy Cakes Bakeshop
All eyes will be on Denver later this month as the city plays host to the Democratic National Convention. Happy Cakes Bakeshop is celebrating this historic event with O-Cakes in honor of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama.
Moveon.org has launched a whole Bake Sales for Obama/Hungry for Change campaign. Here's one photo set.

from Flickr user LO in Phoenix

from Flickr user Brian_Brooks
Any of your favorite Happy Cakes flavors can be transformed in to O-Cakes with the addition of red and blue fondant "O's." O-Cakes are a great addition to your political celebrations. They will be available Friday and Saturday, August 22 and 23, and Tuesday, through Friday, August 26 through 29.
Though O-Cakes will be available in the Shop, you are encouraged to call ahead and place your order. Call the Shop at 303.477.3556 or send us an e-mail (info at happycakesdenver.com) with your order details.
So does Obama have a lock on cupcakes? Is it because his logo fits so well on them? Where are the McCain cupcakes?
Note: Cupcakes Take the Cake is a non-partisan blog, but we do cover politics and cupcakes when they converge.

by Flickr user slackrat, via LOLElection
Previously on Cupcakes Take the Cake:
Obama cupcakes in Jordan
Obama buys cupcakes
Obama, Clinton and McCain cupcakes
Super Tuesday cupcakes
Manhattan's Cupcake Cafe Endorses Obama
Hillary promises cupcakes